Publication Guidelines | Standard Publishers | SOA

Publication Guidelines

Standard Open Access Publisher


Each Editor of the Editorial Board plays a vital role in maintaining the journal standards and peer review. Our Editor-In-Chief has a particularly important role to play in this process and the quality of all our journals depends on how well the editors do their jobs.

STANDARD OPEN ACCESS invites leading professionals from all walks of the scholarly community to join us and become a part of our global open access publication. Researchers, medical practitioners, scientists and other professionals who are working to explore the various fields of medical sciences, are welcome to join our editorial board and help us ensure quality in all the articles that Standard Open Access publishers.

We ask that you complete your profile by adding a photo, a brief bio, and a list of your publications. Your publications will be important to ensure that you receive the most appropriate review invitations.

The primary role of Review Editors is to act as reviewers in the peer-review of submitted manuscripts.

Standard Open Access offers its editors the following advantages:

• Being an editorial board member is truly productive and prestigious which helps in spreading scientific innovations around the world.
• This work provides a better way to create your identity in the scientific world.
• A certificate is awarded as a credit of your valuable contribution and support.
• For all conferences that STANDARD OPEN ACCESS organizes, you will get an honorable position, either as a chair, or a co-chair.
• We provide discounts on editorials.

Editor Responsibilities

Our editors are experts in their respective fields and are responsible for the peer-review process and the content of the journal. Their role is to handle the peer review of manuscripts, make a recommendation on the acceptance or rejection of a paper and attract high-quality submissions. Being an editor at STANDARD OPEN ACCESS also carries certain responsibilities. We rely on you to ensure that STANDARD OPEN ACCESS is always considered a place where researchers and scholars from all over the globe can find high quality articles from their fields, and make sure that the journals you are responsible for, publish only stringently checked articles.

It will be your responsibility to assign reviewers out of the peer review team for each journal to every new article submitted for publishing. In case you have prior commitments and are not in a position to handle the article assigned to you, you should inform the editorial board about your unavailability so that another editor with the expertise to handle the article can be assigned the article instead. It shall be forwarded to another editor within the same field. You will need to ensure that you contribute timely for all the editorials and manuscripts you are responsible for.

  • Ensuring high quality content in the journal through professional networking or through referral of experts in your network to the journal.
  • Performing a final quality check of all manuscripts once they have been reviewed by the editorial board.
  • Ensuring that the peer review process is completed on time and that you handle all correspondences with the editorial board in a timely manner.
  • Bring in new ideas and changes for the journal which take us in a better direction and help us provide our users even better services.
  • Maintain regular contact with fellow editors.
  • Keep track of the complete peer review and ensure that quality standards are met at all times.
  • Must ensure compliance with data protection policies and confidentiality rules. In case of any information provided by the author about test subjects or patients, you will need to make sure that the author also secures their consent.
  • Should you endorse the manuscript for publication, you confirm that your comments have been adequately addressed by the authors.

Following these guidelines, we ensure that our review process will be efficient and helpful in maintaining the standard and quality of the articles. This can even help maintain a decent scientific relation between author(s), editors and reviewers.

Author Guidelines

Standard Open Access Open Access Journals welcomes authors from all over the world to share their innovative research and findings. The contents submitted to Standard Open Access enjoy more visibility and are peer-reviewed.

You can submit your works on any scientific or medical topic in your area of expertise. Standard Open Access only publishes high quality content. Content should be unique, original and the presentation must be of potential interest to the readers.

The received manuscripts will undergo plagiarism check (copying text or results from other sources) for their uniqueness and also self-plagiarism check (duplicating substantial parts of authors' published work without giving the appropriate references) by Quality Analysts.

Standard Open Access Journals allow the author to hold the copyrights and publishing rights without restrictions.
You can submit your research articles. These research papers must be original and must be in the major field of science. The research articles can include the findings and the methodology you used. You can also compile your evidence that led to your conclusions.

Standard Open Access also invites authors to join the Editorial Board. If you are an expert in your field of study or your field of work, you can contribute by joining the Standard Open Access Journal.

Any manuscript on theoretical development, practical applications or research oriented is welcome.

There are no charges for article submission. Authors have to pay after the publication of the article.

All submissions should be prepared in the following format.

Required Manuscript Format: Authors can submit their articles either in MS Word or PDF format.

Standard Open Access considers manuscripts of any length. There are no restrictions for the number of words, figures or the length of the research article. The manuscript should begin with the following categories.

Title: The title page with and descriptive but concise title should be there. The title page of the manuscript should include the title, authors, and affiliations.

Authors and Affiliations: Each author should list the concerned department, university, or organizational affiliation and its location, including city, state/province (if applicable), and country along with their email address. For the corresponding author, the complete affiliation and postal address is required along with contact information.

Abstract: Abstract should describe the main objective of the study. It should not exceed more than 300 words. Briefly explain the most important results and their significance

Introduction: The manuscript should have data that allows the readers outside the field to understand the purpose and significance of the research. Conclude with a brief statement of the overall aim of the work and a comment about whether that aim was achieved.

Materials and Methods: Materials and methods should be clearly explained in detail. If materials, methods, and protocols are well established, authors may cite articles where those protocols are described.

Results, Discussion, and Conclusions: This category can be separated or combined to create the results. It does not have any word limit but the language should be precise. It should explain the result and conclusion of the research.

Acknowledgments: People who contributed to the work should be listed in the acknowledgments, along with their contributions and grant numbers (if any) for the related work

References: Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Manuscripts that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. References must be listed at the end of the manuscript and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in the bracket.

  • Ferlay J, Shin HR, Bray F, Forman D, Mathers C, et al. (2010) Estimates of worldwide burden of cancer in 2008: GLOBOCAN 2008. Int J Cancer 127: 2893-2917.
  • WHO (2011) Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC Cancer Base No.10), Lyon.
  • Parkin DM, Whelan SL, Ferlay J, Teppo L, Thomas BD (2002) Cancer Incidence in the Five Continents VIII. IARC Scientific Publication No. 155, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Press, Lyon, France.
  • Schottenfeld D, Fraumeni JF Jr, Kolonel L, Wilkens L (2006) Migrant studies. In: Schottenfeld D, Fraumeni JF Jr (eds) Cancer epidemiology and prevention. 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford 189-201.
  • Dominguez-Bello MG, Costello EK, Contreras M, Magris M, Hidalgo G, et al. (2010) Delivery mode shapes the acquisition and structure of the initial microbiota across multiple body habitats in newborns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 11971-11975.

Tables & Figures: Tables should be included at the end of the manuscript. All the tables should contain a title above or below them. Figures should have a small title that describes the image with less than 20 words. Images should be clear and in high resolution.

Reviewer Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted by Author(s) are reviewed by reviewers and without their support, it is impossible to maintain the standards of peer-reviewed journals.

Based on their research experience and expertise, the Editorial Board Members are requested to review the submitted articles and research works, as they are capable of accomplishing the peer review process themselves. The Editorial Board Members can assign the work to the experts in the respective subject and these reviewers are supposed to give their reviews and comments regarding the submitted articles. Thus, through the peer review system, Standard Open Access maintains the high standards of the publication by publishing high quality and informative articles which are reviewed thoroughly.


Peer review is crucial to safeguarding the quality and integrity of scientific and scholarly research. Standard Open Access fully supports the peer review process and recognizes reviewers' contributions to the success of a journal. Reviewers are chosen based on their experience in their field and may be offered a more eminent position based on their contribution to their journal. Reviewers are responsible for providing constructive comments and critique on submitted manuscripts before they are accepted for final publication.

The reviewer report should come under any of the following: Accept, Minor revision, Major revision, Reject

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process is used for checking and improving the quality of the manuscripts at Standard Open Access. Before publication, all the journals in Standard Open Access undergo this unique and unbiased peer-review process. During this process author’s identity and affiliations are not revealed to the reviewers and also the authors are not told about the reviewer. As soon as the Editorial Review process is done, the Editor appoints two expert reviewers in the field of the title of the manuscript to perform the peer review process. The reviewers are expected to provide precise suggestions and corrections to the Editor, who sends the review reports to the authors. The reviewers check the wholeness, correctness and clarity of the manuscripts which helps the editor to decide whether to publish the manuscript or not.


  • Reviewers should not disclose the information in the manuscript unless it is published and must respect confidentiality.
  • The information in the manuscript should not be used by the reviewers for their benefits and must not share with another organization or individual.
  • Reviewers at STANDARD OPEN ACCESS are expected to accept to review the manuscript only if they have expertise in the concerned subject and are confident to provide accurate assessment and appropriate report.
  • Peer Review Process should not be influenced by the nationality, origin, religion, gender, etc. of the authors i.e. there should be no discrimination while performing the peer review process.
  • Reviewers should inform the Editor immediately if they find that the manuscript is not unique and plagiarism free.
  • It should be immediately informed to the Editor if the reviewer finds that the manuscript has already been reviewed by them for any other journal.
  • Reviewers are not allowed to contact the authors without the permission of the Editor.

Reviewers should report to the Editor if there is any kind of misconduct in the manuscript.


  • You should not edit the content of the given manuscript.
  • While performing the review process of the manuscript you should be confident and unbiased in order to provide a constructive and sound report.
  • It is advised to keep a copy of the review report for your use as there are chances revision will be submitted by the authors.
  • Unfair language and offensive criticism should be avoided.


  • A certificate is awarded as a credit for your valuable contribution and support.
  • Quick processing of the paper.

Peer Review Process

Peer review is a quality control measure for medical research. It is a process in which professionals review each other’s work to make sure that it is accurate, relevant, and significant.

Peer review methods are used to maintain quality standards, improve performance, and provide credibility. Our peer-review process is explained in detail below.

Peer review is a well-established scholarly practice in which your manuscript is analyzed by a panel of experts in your field, who deliver input on how the manuscript can be improved – or decide if it’s ready to be published as is. To make sure every aspect of your manuscript is put to careful scrutiny, we assign it to multiple reviewers who each provide their individual view on the paper. This occurs through a double-blind process.

The author is advised to make the revisions recommended by peer reviewers and then to resubmit the manuscript. Upon resubmission, the manuscript is again reviewed by peer reviewers, which may or may not be the same individuals who performed the initial review. This process is repeated until the journal’s editorial board deems the manuscript ready for publishing.