Nimrod Juniahs Mwang’ombe, MBChB, MMed, PhD
Professor of Surgery and Neurosurgeon
Department of General Surgery
School of Medicine, Kenyatta University
Nairobi, Kenya
Prof. Nimrod Juniahs Mwang’ombe (MBChB, MMed, PhD), is Professor of Surgery and Consultant Neurosurgeonat the School of Medicine, Kenyatta University, Kahawa, Nairobi County, Kenya. He was for many years (until 2021), Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Nairobi, at the Kenyatta National Hospital, where he founded the 6-year International Neurosurgery Residency Program. He is a registered specialist in General Surgery and Neurosurgery with the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council of Kenya. He did his Advanced Level High School (College) Education at the Nairobi School (formerly the Prince of Wales School) after which he joined the School of Medicine, University of Nairobi (1971-76; MBChB). He also sat and passed the USA Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Examination during that period and passed (Certificate No: 261-767-8).He trained in General surgery at the Kenyatta National Hospital, 1977-1980, and was awarded the Master of Medicine in Surgery (MMed) degree, University of Nairobi. He worked as a Specialist in General Surgery,1980-1982, at the Kisii County Hospital, in Western Kenya, where he was the only Surgical Specialist in charge and had to handle all types of surgical problems (including emergency caesarian sections and deliveries at the Maternity Unit). Dr. Mwang’ombetrained in Neurosurgery at the Neurosurgical Unit, Kenyatta National Hospital (1982-1984) and at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square,London, 1984-1990 (PhD). In 2000 he was the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, USA, visiting Fellow, McMaster University, Canada. In 2016 hewas listed as one of the 100 most influential Africans by the New African Magazine for his contribution towards the development of neurosurgery in Africa. He sits onthe editorial Board of the Pan African Journal of Neurological Sciences and The East African Journal of Neurological Sciences. He is the current President, Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences (PAANS).
- Visiting Fellow in Neurosurgery, McMaster University, 2002
- Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, University of London (PhD-1990)
- Board Registration in Neurosurgery, Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board of Kenya, 1988
- Master of Medicine,(Surgery), University of Nairobi, 1980
- Neurosurgery
- Neurological Surgeons
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Neurooncology

- Developmental changes in the amount of glial fibrillary acidic protein and glutamine synthetase in human medulloblastoma cells. Mwang’ombe NJ, Darling JC, Thomas DG, Patel AJ. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1986; 14, 762-63
- Cerebral Hydatidosis. Case presentation and literature review. Mwang’ombe N.J.M. The African Journal of Neurological Sciences. 1999; 18: 6-7.
- Acute Appendicitis following ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery for hydrocephalus due to an intracranial space occupying lesion. Mwang’ombe N.J.M. The African Journal of Neurological Sciences. 1999; 18: 9-11.
- Craniovertebral junction anomalies seen at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. N.J. Mwang’ombe and G. K. Kirongo. East Afr. Med. J. 2000; 77:162-164.
- Intracranial Tuberculomas at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi.N.J.M. Mwang’ombe and J.K. Mwago. East Afr. Med. J. 2000; 77: 333-335.
- Brain Abscess at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. N.J.M. Mwang’ombe. East Afr. Med. J. 2000; 77: 323-325.
- Ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery and shunt infections in children with non-tumour Hydrocephalus at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. N.J.M. Mwang’ombe and T. Omulo. East Afr. Med. J. 2000; 77: 386-390.
- Spinal cord compression due to tumours at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. N.J.M. Mwang’ombe and M.B. Ouma. East Afr. Med. J. 2000; 77: 374-376.
- Brain tumours at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. N.J.M. Mwang’ombe and R.B. Ombachi. East Afr. Med. J. 2000; 77: 444-447.
- Factors influencing the outcome of severe head injury at Kenyatta National Hospital. N.J.M. Mwang’ombe and J. Kiboi . East Afr. Med. J. 2001; 78: 238-241.
- Fronto-ethmoidal teratoma. Case presentation and literature review. N.J.M.Mwang’ombe, G. Kirongo and Warambo Byakika. East Afr. Med. J. 2002; 79: 106-7.
- Outcome of severe traumatic brain injury at a critical care unit: a review of 87 patients. E Opondo, NJ Mwang’ombe. Annals of African Surgery. 2007 Vol 1, 45788.
- Ventriculoperitoneal shunt complications: a 3 year retrospective study in a Kenyan National Teaching and Referral Hospital. Mwachaka PM, Obonyo NG, Mutiso BK, Ranketi S, Mwang’ombe N. Paediatr Neurosurg 2012; 46: 1-5
- Causes and risk factors of non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage among patients at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital Kenya. V Wekesa, NJM Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, JG Kiboi. East and Centr Afr.J Surg 2011; 16
- Clinical presentation and diagnosis of non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage among patients treated at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital, Kenya. V Wekesa, NJ Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, J G Kiboi. East and Central African Journal of Surgery, vol 16 no 3, 2011, 69-74
- Clinical experience and outcome of pituitary surgery in Kenyan patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital. Kiboi JG, Kitunguu PK, Musau CK, Mwang’ombe NJ. African Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2012; 31
- Cerebrospinal fluid ascites. A case report and literature review. N J Mwang’ombe, Thiong’o G M, Boore J K. The African journal of Neurological Sciences 2012; 31
- The role of young neurosurgeons in the development of neurosurgery (Editorial). N J Mwang’ombe. Asian J Neurosurg 2012; 7:1
- Neuroepidemiology of Brain Tumours in Kenya. 2nd International Scientific Conference CHS & UoN. 19-21 June 2013. N J Mwang’ombe, P K P K Kitunguu. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11295/61248
- Neroepiemiology of Head Injuries in Kenya. 2nd International Scientific Conference, CHS & UoN. 19th -21st June 2013. Mwang’ombe, NJM, Shitsama SV.
- Neuroepidemiology of Spina Bifida Cystica in Kenya. 2nd International Scientific Conference CHS & UoN. 19-21 June 2013. N J Mwang’ombe, S G Njiru, M G Thiong’o. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11295/61258
- Kitunguu PK, Kanja S, Okemwa, M, Odhiambo A O, Mwang’ombe N J. Primary cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme with uncharacteristic clinical and imaging features. AJNS, 2015 Vol. 34. No 1
- Ojuka, DK, Olenja JM, Mwango'mbe NJ, Yang EB, Macleod JB. Perception of medical professionalism among the surgical community in the University of Nairobi: a mixed method study. 2016. BMC medical education. 16(1):101.
- Brain abscess; a review. Magoha, M A A, Mwang’ombe, N J. East Afr. Med. J. 2016; 93: No 12
- Patterns of antimicrobial use in the neurosurgical ward of Kenyatta National Hospital. Sylvia A Opanga, Nimrod J Mwang’ombe, Faith A Okalebo, Kimani A M Kuria. Afr. J. Pharmacol. Ther. 2016. 5(4): 241-246
- Best Practice in Management of Neurotrauma. 18th International Scientific Conference CHS & UoN. 24th November 2016. N J Mwang’ombe.
- Systematic review, meta-analysis and grading of evidence on the effectiveness of antimicrobial prophylaxis for neurosurgical site infections. Sylvia A Opanga, Nimrod J Mwang’ombe, Faith A Okalebo, Kimani A M Kuria. Afr. J. Pharmacol. Ther. 2017. 6. (1).
- Impact of neurosurgical site infections on patient expenditure at a national referral hospital in Kenya: a cost of illness study. Sylvia A Opanga, Nimrod J Mwang’ombe, Faith A Okalebo, Kimani A M Kuria. Afr. J Pharmacol. Ther. 2017. 6. (2): 72-76
- Determinants of the Effectiveness of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis among Neurotrauma Patients at a Referral Hospital in Kenya: Findings and Implications Sylvia AO1 , Nimrod JMW2 , Faith AO1 , Brian Godman*3,4,5, Margaret O1 and Kimani MK1
- Safe Surgery in Countries of Sub Saharan Africa. Mwang ombe NJM. Surg Open acc J 2017, 1(1): 000101.
- The African Health Workforce Brain Drain. The Socioeconomic and Geopolitical Realities.Nimrod JM Mwang’ombe. SF J Surg 2017, 1:1.
- High Risk Human Papillomavirus in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya. Joyce Aswani, Omu Anzala, Nimrod Mwang’ombe. African Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 32, Issue No. 2, March - April 2019
- Epstein Barr-virus and human papillomavirus co-infection in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya. Aswani JM , Anzala O , Mwang’ombe JNEast and Central Africa Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 4(2); 2020
- Report of an initial site visit to determine feasibility and implementation of a comprehensive Neuro-oncology program in Kenya. B Armstrong, M Mbiro, M Magoha, M Okemwa, N Mwang’ombe, S Coven. Neurooncology, (22), December, 2020.
- Extrusion of distal shunt catheter: a report of 3 cases. B Mutiso, N J Mwang’ombe. Annals of Neurosurgery. August 2021. 13 (2) 21
- Management of intraventricular haemorrhage in haemophilia. Case report and review of literature. J Muthoka, W Munialo, W Mwanda, N Mwang’ombe. Annals of Neurosurgery. August 2021. 13 (2) 27
- Development of guidelines for early diagnosis of childhood brain tumours at the Kenyatta National Hospital. T T John, N J Mwang’ombe, P Akuku. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021. 13 (2) 33
- The pattern of brain tumours in Kenya. A review. N mwang’ombe, P Kitunguu. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021. 13 (2) 34
- A one year prospective study on the epidemiology of spina bifida cystica in Kenya as seen at the Kenyatta National Hospital. S Njiru, N Mwang’ombe, J Kiboi, D Olunya. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021.13 (2) 37
- Pleomorphic xanthroastrocytoma: a casereport of a nine-year-old boy. P Njeru, N Mwang’ombe. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021. 13 (2) 38
- Association between serum sodium abnormalities and clinicoradiologic parameters in severe traumatic brain injury. P Mwachaka, A Amayo, N Mwang’ombe, P Kitunguu. Annals of African Surgery. 2021
- N J M Mwang’ombe (1980). The Pattern of Head Injuries at the Kenyatta National Hospital. Master of Medicine, Surgery, Thesis. University of Nairobi.
- N J M Mwang’ombe (1990). Induction of Tumour Differentiation as a Tool in Chemotherapy of Gliomas. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of London.
- Revision Notes in Scientific Principles of Surgery (MMed Neurosurgery, University of Nairobi, 2016). Online.
- Surgery Clerkship Manual, University of Nairobi (2014). On line.
- Introduction to Neurosurgery for Medical Students, University of Nairobi, Kenya. 2014..
- Guidelines for early diagnosis of childhood brain tumours in Kenya. T T John, N J Mwang’ombe, P Akuku. 2021.
- National Guidelines for Cancer Management in Kenya. August 2013. Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours. pp 59-65. (Mwang’ombe NJ, Narayan, V, Gatei D, Kalebi A.)
- G W Taka, N J M Mwang’ombe. Factors Influencing Early Outcome of Severe Head Injury at the Kenyatta National Hospital. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 1st Annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2011, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nairobi
- P Lubanga, N J M Mwang’ombe. Head Injuries in African Children at the Kenyatta National Hospital The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 1st Annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2011, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nairobi
- J K Boore, N J M Mwang’ombe, W Waweru. Evaluation of Imprint (touch smear) Cytology during Brain Tumour Surgeryat The Kenyatta National Hospital. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 1st Annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2011, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nairobi
- V Wekesa, N J Mwang’ombe. Clinical Patterns of Non-traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage at the Kenyatta National Referral Hospital. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 2nd annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2012, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi.
- G Wasike. N J Mwang’ombe . Anomalies of the Craniovertebral Junction: Case Report and Literature Review. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 2nd annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2012, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi
- V Wekesa, N J Mwang’ombe. Causes and Risk Factors of Non-traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage at the Kenyatta National Referral Hospital. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 2nd annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2012, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi
- G Muthoni, NJ Mwang’ombe . Ascites as a complication of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery. Case Report and Literature Review. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 2nd annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2012, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi
- G Njiru, NJ Mwang’ombe. Cranial andSpinal Dysraphisms at the Kenyatta National Hospital . The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 2nd annual Scientific Conference. January 6-9, 2012, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi
- P Kitunguu, NJ Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Brain Tumours in Kenya. 20th Congress of Pan Africa Association of Neurological Sciences (PAANS) December 3-4, 2012, Methodist Guest House, Nairobi.
- G Njiru, NJ Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Spina Bifida Cystica in Kenya. 20th Congress of Pan Africa Association of Neurological Sciences (PAANS) December 3-4, 2012, Methodist Guest House, Nairobi
- M Magoha, NJ Mwang’ombe. The Role Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in the Management of Head Injuries in Africa. 20th Congress of Pan Africa Association of Neurological Sciences (PAANS) December 3-4, 2012, Methodist Guest House, Nairobi
- . S Shitsama, NJ Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Head Injuries in Kenya. 20th Congress of Pan Africa Association of Neurological Sciences (PAANS) December 3-4, 2012, Methodist Guest House, Nairobi.
- A Kasmani, NJ Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, J G Kiboi. Management of CNS Infections in the ICU. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- N Mohan, N J Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, J G Kiboi. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Antimicrobial prophylaxis in neurosurgery. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- G Thiongo, N J Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, JG Kiboi. Scalp Shaving and Postoperative Infection. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013
- S Shitsama, NJ Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, J G Kiboi. Infections in Neurosurgery in Kenya. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- S Njiru, NJ Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, JG Kiboi. Neurosurgical Surgical Site Infection. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013
- W Muriithi, NJ Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, JG Kiboi. Haemostasis in Neurosurgery: Successful Bleeding Management.The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- P Kitunguu, N J Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Infections at the Kenyatta National Hospital. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- N Ochieng, N J Mwang’ombe, CK Musau, J G Kiboi. Opportunistic Infections in Neurosurgery. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- S Opanga, NJ Mwang’ombe. Prophylactic Antibiotics in neurosurgery. The East African Association of Neurological Surgeons 3rd Annual Scientific Conference, Methodist Guest House, June 5, 2013.
- P Kitunguu, J Kiboi, CK Musau, NJ Mwang’ombe. Pituitary Surgery at the Kenyatta National Hospital. The Second University of Nairobi & Kenyatta National Hospital Annual Scientific Conference June 19-21, 2013.
- S Shitsama, N Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Head Injuries in Kenya. The Second University of Nairobi & Kenyatta National Hospital Annual Scientific Conference June 19-21, 2013.
- P Kitunguu, NJ Mwang’ombe. Management and outcomes of extradural haematomas at the Kenyatta National Hospital. The Second University of Nairobi & Kenyatta National Hospital Annual Scientific Conference June 19-21, 2013.
- P Kitunguu, N Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Brain Tumours in Kenya. The Second University of Nairobi & Kenyatta National Hospital Annual Scientific Conference June 19-21, 2013.
- P Kitunguu, NJ Mwang’ombe. Predictors of Functional Recovery in African Patients with Traumatic Intracranial Haematomas. The Second University of Nairobi & Kenyatta National Hospital Annual Scientific Conference June 19-21, 2013.
- G Thiongo, S Njiru, NJ Mwang’ombe. Neuroepidemiology of Spina Bifida Cystica in Kenya. The Second University of Nairobi & Kenyatta National Hospital Annual Scientific Conference June 19-21, 2013.
- Anatomy, Pre-natal and Post-natal development of the Craniovertebral Junction. P Mwachaka, P Kitunguu, NJ Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2014.
- The Chiari Malformations: Diagnosis and Management. N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2014
- Epidemiology of Gliomas at the Kenyatta National Hospital. M Wahome, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2014
- Comparison of the computed tomography model with the clinical parameters as predictors of outcome in severe traumatic brain injury. N. Mohan, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2014.
- Craniotomy surgical site infections at the Kenyatta National Hospital. A Njiru, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2014.
- Sellar and Parasellar Tumours. N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2014.
- Surgical anatomy and biomechanics of the spine. Dr P Mwachaka, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2015.
- Decompressive craniectomy. Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2015.
- Epidemiology of Spinal Infections diagnosed using MRI at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Kenya. Wanderi PK, Kanyata D, Mwang’ombe NJ
- Neurocritical care; Intensive care monitoring. Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2015.
- Craniotomy surgical site infections at the Kenyatta National Hospital. Dr S Njiru, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2015.
- A study of computed tomography as a model of predicting outcome in severe traumatic brain injury patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi, Kenya. Dr N Mohan, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2015.
- Four decades of neurodegenerative disease research. Prof. N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Management of neurodegenerative disorders. Prof. N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016
- Craniotomy surgical site infection. A Njiru, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016
- A study of the use and impact of antimicrobial prophylaxis in neurosurgery at the Kenyatta National Hospital. S Opanga, N J Mwang’ombe, K Kuria (PhD thesis). East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Clinical pattern of focal intracranial suppuration at the Kenyatta National Hospital. M Magoha, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- CNS tropism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. L Ogutha N J Mwang’ombe. E Rogena. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage. L Thabo, NJ Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Decompressive craniotomy for severe TBI. S. Rono, NJ Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Childhood brain tumours at the Kenyatta National Hospital. T John, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Spina bifida severity scale. G M Thiong’o, N J Mwang’ombe, L Albright. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- Patterns and outcome of cervical spine disc disease in Kenya. B Kipngetich, F Koech, N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2016.
- The Role of neuroimaging in the classification and management of brain tumours. Dr. A Odhiambo, Prof. N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2017.
- The current classification of brain tumours and its applicability in the third world countries. Dr. M P Okemwa, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2017.
- The surgical management of brain tumours in the African patient. Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference. 2017
- Development of guidelines for early diagnosis of childhood brain tumours at the Kenyatta National Hospital. Dr. Tracy John, Prof. N J Mwang’ombe. . East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2017.
- Histopathological spectrum of childhood brain tumours in Kenya as seen at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital,Eldoret. Dr Simon Omuok, Prof N J Mwang’ombe.East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2017.
- The clinical pattern of focal intracranial suppuration and common causative organisms as seen at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Michael Magoha, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2017.
- Genotypic correlates of Central Nervous System infection by mycobacterium Tuberculosis at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Lee Ogutha, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2017.
- Early decompressive craniectomy for raised intracranial pressure following severe traumatic brain injury at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Sydney Rono, Prof N J Mwang’ombe.East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2017.
- Ventriculoperitoneal shunt survival at the Kenyatta National Hospital: a registry based assessment. Dr. Peter Kitunguu, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2017.
- The role of MRI in the diagnosis of brain tumours. Dr. Alfred Odhiambo, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2018.
- The new WHO classification of brain tumours. Dr. Peter Okemwa, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2018.
- Management of high and intermediate grade glioma. Dr Peter Kitunguu, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2018.
- Management of low grade glioma. Dr. Michael Magoha, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2018.
- Brain metastases. Dr Susan Karanja, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2018.
- Management of paediatric brain tumours. Dr. Tracey John, Prof N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2018.
- The political and Socioeconomic Development of Neurosurgery in Universal Health Coverage in sub-Saharan Africa. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Congress, Beijing, China, 2019.
- Al Extrusion of distal shunt catheter: a report of 3 cases. Benjamen Mutiso, Nimrod Mwang’ombe. World Neurosurgery Webinar Conference, November 20-22, 2020. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021; 13(2): 21
- Management of intraventricular haemorrhage in Haemophilia. Case report and review of literature. Johnstone Muthoka, Wilfred Munialo, Walter Mwanda, Nimrod Mwang’ombe. World Neurosurgery Webinar Conference, November 20-22, 2020. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021; 13(2): 33
- Development of guidelines for early diagnosis of childhood brain tumours at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Tracey T John, Nimrod Mwang’ombe, Patrick Akuku. World Neurosurgery Webinar Conference, November 20-22, 2020. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021; 13(2): 27
- The pattern of brain tumours in Kenya. A review. Nimrod Mwang’ombe, Peter Kitunguu. World Neurosurgery Webinar Conference, November 20-22, 2020. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021; 13(2): 34
- A one year prospective study on the epidemiology of spina bifida cystica in Kenya as seen at the Kenyatta National Hospital. Samuel Njiru, Nimrod Mwang’ombe, Julius Kiboi, David Olunya. World Neurosurgery Webinar Conference, November 20-22, 2020. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021; 13(2): 37
- Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: a case report of a 9 year old boy. Peter Njeru, Nimrod Mwang’ombe. World Neurosurgery Webinar Conference, November 20-22, 2020. Annals of Neurosurgery, August 2021; 13(2): 38
- The devolution of neurosurgical services in Kenya. N J Mwang’ombe. East African Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference 2021.