Jaime Ruiz-Tovar Polo, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid
Jaime Ruiz-Tovar, MD, PhD, is General and Digestive Surgeon at University Hospital Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid-Spain), where he is specialized in bariatric surgery. Professor of Surgery at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Secretary of the Surgical Infections Section of the Spanish Surgical Society. Head of the Bariatric Surgery section of the ERAS-Spain group (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery). He actually leads several investigational projects focused on bariatric surgery and surgical infections.
- Master in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, University of Alcala, 2008.
- Expert Certificate in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery by the Spanish Bariatric Surgery Society (SECO).
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Metabolic effect of bariatric surgery
- Electrical neurostimulation as alternative bariatric procedures
- Prophylactic measures against surgical site infection
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Llavero C, Jimenez-Fuertes M, Duran M, Perez-Lopez M, Garcia-Marin A. Incisional Surgical Site Infection after Abdominal Fascial Closure with Triclosan-Coated Barbed Suture vs Triclosan-Coated Polydioxanone Loop Suture vs Polydioxanone Loop Suture in Emergent Abdominal Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Am Coll Surg. 2020 Feb 26. pii: S1072-7515(20)30212-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2020.02.031.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Llavero C, Pérez Lopez M, Garcia Marin A. Effects of the application of vitamin E and silicone dressings vs conventional dressings on incisional surgical site infection in elective laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a prospective randomized clinical trial. J Hosp Infect 2019;102:262-6.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Llavero C, Morales V, Gamallo C. Effect of the application of a bundle of three measures (intraperitoneal lavage with antibiotic solution, fascial closure with Triclosan-coated sutures, and Mupirocin ointment application on the skin staples) on the surgical site infection after elective colorectal cancer surgery, Surg Endosc 2018;32:3495-501.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Alonso N, Ochagavía A, Arroyo A, Llavero C. Effect of the abdominal fascial closure with Triclosan-coated sutures in fecal peritonitis, on surgical site infection and evisceration: a retrospective multi-center study. Surg Infect 2018;19:61-4.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Muñoz JL, Gonzalez J, García A, Ferrigni C, Jiménez M, Duran M. C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and procalcitonin as early markers of staple line leaks after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in morbidly obese patients within an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program . Surg Endosc 2017;31:5283-8.
- Alias D, Ruiz-Tovar J, Moreno A, Manso B, Diaz G, Durán M, García-Olmo D. Effect of subcutaneous sterile vitamin E ointment on incisional surgical site infection after elective laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery. Surg Infect 2017;18:287-92.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Gonzalez J, Garcia A, Cruz C, Rivas S, Jimenez M, Ferrigni C, Duran M. Intraperitoneal ropivacaine irrigation in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a prospective randomized clinical trial. Obes Surg 2016; 26:2616-21.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Zubiaga L, Diez M, Murcia A, Boix E, Muñoz JL, Llavero C, OBELCHE. Preoperative regular diet of 900 Kcal/day vs Balanced- Energy high protein formula vs Immunonutrition formula: Effect on preoperative weight loss and postoperative pain, complications and analytical acute phase reactants after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Obes Surg 2016; 26:1221-7.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Llavero C, Muñoz JL, Zubiaga L, Diez M, Obelche Group. Effect of peritoneal lavage with Clindamycin-gentamicin solution on post-operative pain and analytic acute-phase reactants after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Surg Infect 2016;17:357-61.
- Ruiz-Tovar J¸ Llavero C, Santos J, Gamallo C, Calpena R, Coloproctology Unit. Effect of peritoneal lavage with clindamycin-gentamicin solution during elective colorectal cancer surgery on the oncologic outcome. Surg Infect 2016; 17:65-70.
- Muñoz JL, Ruiz-Tovar J, Miranda E, Berrio DL, Moya P, Gutierrez M, Flores T, Pico C, Perez A. C-reactive protein and procalcitonin as early markers of septic complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in morbidly obese patients within an enhanced recovery after surgery program. J Am Coll Surg 2016;222:831-7.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Llavero C, Morales V, Gamallo C. Total occlusive ionic silver-containing dressing vs mupirocin ointment application vs conventional dressing in elective colorectal surgery: effect on incisional surgical site infection. J Am Coll Surg 2015;221:424-9.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Alonso N, Morales V, Llavero C. Association between Triclosan-coated sutures for abdominal wall closure and incisional surgical site infection after open surgery in patients presenting with fecal peritonitis: A randomized clinical trial. Surg Infect 2015;16:588-94.
- Oller I, Ruiz-Tovar J, Cansado P, Zubiaga L, Calpena R. Effect of lavage with gentamicin vs clindamycin vs physiologic saline on drainage discharge of the axillary surgical bed after lymph node dissection. Surg Infect 2015;16:781-4.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Badia JM. Medidas de prevención de la infección del sitio quirúrgico en cirugía abdominal. Revisión crítica de la evidencia. Cir Esp 2014;92:223-31.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Garcia JG. Evidence of the effect of immunonutrition on the prevention of surgical site infection. Surg Technol Int 2014;24:41-4.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Muñoz JL, Llavero C, Diez M,Zubiaga L, Arroyo A, Calpena R. Serum C-Reactive Protein and Fibrinogen levels as early markers of septic complications after sleeve gastrectomy in morbidly obese patients. Surg Chron 2014;19:266-70.
- Armañanzas L, Ruiz-Tovar J, Arroyo A, García-Peche P, Armañanzas E, Diez M, Galindo I, Calpena R. Prophylactic mesh vs suture in the closure of the umbilical trocar site after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in high-risk patients for incisional hernia. A randomized clinical trial. J Am Coll Surg 2014;218:960-8.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Oller I, Llavero C, Arroyo A, Muñoz JL, Calero A, Diez M, Zubiaga L, Calpena R. Pre-operative and early post-operative factors associated with surgical site infection after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Surg Infect 2013; 14:369-73.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Cansado P, Pérez-Soler M, Gómez MA, Llavero C, Calero P, Zubiaga L, Diez M, Arroyo A, Calpena R. Effect of gentamicin lavage of the axillary surgical bed after lymph node dissection on drainage discharge volume. Breast 2013:22:874-8.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Santos J, Arroyo A, Llavero C, Armañanzas L, López-Delgado A, Frangi A, Alcalde MJ, Candela F, Calpena R. Effect of peritoneal lavage with clindamycin-gentamicin solution on infections after elective colorectal cancer surgery. J Am Coll Surg 2012;214:202-7.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Santos J, Arroyo A, Llavero C, López A, Frangi A, Armañanzas L, Alcalde MJ, Candela F, Calpena R. Microbiological spectrum of the intraperitoneal surface after elective right-sided colon cancer: are there differences in the peritoneal contamination after performing a stapled or a handsewn anastomosis? Int J Colorectal Dis 2012;27:1515-9.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Cordoba L, Devesa JM. Prognostic factors in Fournier gangrene. Asian J Surg 2012;35:37-41.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Beni R, Gras M. New therapeutic weapon in the treatment of refractory acute diverticulitis. Surg Infect 2012;13:278-9.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Gamallo C. Streptococcus salivarius causing multiple liver abscesses in a patient with situs inversus. Surg Infect 2012;13:130-1.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Gamallo C. Duodenitis associated with non-steroidal inti-inflammatory drug use causing mesenteric panniculitis. Am Surg 2012;78:E137-8.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Beni R, Gras M. Tygecycline use in patient with intr-aabdominal abscess, beta-lactam allergy and acute kidney injury. Surg Infect 2012;13:340.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Lopez Delgado A, Moya P, Santos JE, Arroyo A, Rodriguez JM, Calpena R. Laparoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy: a minimally invasive alternative to laparotomic debridement of pancreatic necrosis. Minerva Chir 2012;67:363-4.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Rey A, Devesa JM. A novel approach for conservative management of hernia mesh infection. ANZ J Surg 2011; 81:577.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Cordoba L, Devesa JM. Fournier gangrene: First manifestation of occult rectal cáncer. Acta Chir Belg 2011;111:329-31.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Hernández Bartolomé MA, El Bouayadi L, Martín Hita AM, Limones M. Diverticulitis aguda apendicular: ¿Una apendicitis aguda atípica? Cir Esp 2011;89:56-7.
- Calero García P, Ruiz Tovar J, Sanjuanbenito Dehesa A, Calero Amaro A, Díez Tabernilla M, Latorre Fragua R, Housari Martin G, Martínez Molina E, Fresneda Moreno V. Colecistitis agudas: ¿está justificado hoy en día diferir la cirugía? Cir Esp 2010;88:92-6.
- Ruiz-Tovar J, Morales Castiñeiras V, Martínez Molina E. Diverticulitis de Meckel: Presentación de 10 casos. Cir Cir 2009; 77:141-4.
- Ruiz Tovar J, Sánchez Picot S, Alonso Hernández N, Diez Nicolás V. Neumoretroperitoneo secundario a lavado quirúrgico de un absceso perianal con agua oxigenada. Cir Esp 2006;80:115.
- Ruiz Tovar J, Reguero Callejas ME, Gonzalez-Palacios F. Inflamación y perforación de divertículo solitario de ciego. Presentación de 5 casos y revisión de la literatura. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2006;98:875-80.