Yao Chen, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of California-Los Angeles
School of Dentistry
Dr Chen is an ABO board certified orthodontist. She obtained a D.D.S. degree from Wuhan University School of Dentistry in China in 2013. She then started her M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Oral Biology at University of California Los Angeles School of Dentistry in 2014 on "the effect of fibromodulin derived peptide on wound healing". After she completed her M.S. and Ph.D., she continued her training at UCLA and became a specialist in Orthodontics. She took part in numerous clinical and basic science research on wound healing, scar reduction, bone regeneration and orthodontic treatment and has published papers in many leading journals.
- Orthodontic Residency Program (Certificate in Orthodontics)-University of California – Los Angeles, School of Dentistry-(2018-2021)
- Ph.D. in Oral Biology-University of California – Los Angeles, School of Dentistry-(2016-2021)
- M.S. in Oral Biology-University of California – Los Angeles, School of Dentistry-(2014-2016)
- B.D.S./D.D.S.-Wuhan University, School of Stomatology, China-(2008-2013)
- Wound Healing
- Craniofacial Bone Research
- Orthodontics Clinical Research
- Xu X, Zhang Y, Ha P, Chen Y, Li C, Yen E, Bai Y, Chen R, Wu B.M., Da Lio A, Ting K, Soo C, Zheng Z. A Novel Injectable Fibromodulin-releasing Granular Hydrogel for Tendon Healing and Functional Recovery. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine. Submitted
- Chen Y, Fraser A, Moon W. Nonsurgical TADs intrusion treatment and retention of an open bite class III malocclusion in an adult patient. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, in preparation.
- Jiang W, Zheng Z, Chen Y, Wang C, Mills Z, Chang G. X., Chen E, Li C, Zhang X, Zhao Z, Ting K, Soo C. Fibromodulin promotes myofibroblast apoptosis by activating interleukin 1b signal transduction. Nature Cell Biology, in preparation.
- Zheng Z, James A, Chen F, Li C, Jiang W, Wang J, Chang G, Lee K, Chen Y, Pan H, Chen E, Zhang X, Ting K, Soo C. Fibromodulin delicately orchestrates transforming growth factor β1 signal transduction and reduces scar formation during adult cutaneous wound healing. PNAS, in preparation.
- Zheng Z, James A. W., Li C, Jiang W, Wang J. Z., Chang G. X., Lee K. S., Chen F, Chen Y, Pan H. C., Chen E. C., Zhang X, Ting K, Soo C. Fibromodulin decreases cutaneous scarring while increasing tensile strength via selective modulation of fibroblastic activities. Science Translational Medicine, in preparation.
- Hollander Z, Fraser A, Bui J, Paredes N, Chen Y, Moon W. Nonsurgical treatment of a hyperdivergent class III malocclusion in an adult. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, accepted, will be published in 2022.
- Qi H, Kim J.K., Ha P, Chen X, Chen E, Chen Y, Li J, Pan H.C., Yu M, Mohaze Y, Azer S, Baik L, Kwak J. H., Ting K, Zhang X, Hu M, Soo C. Inactivation of Nell-1 in chondrocytes significantly impedes appendicular skeletogenesis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2019 Mar; 34(3):533-546
- Wang C, Zheng Z, Jiang W, Chen Y, Ha P, Jong K. K., Berthiaume E. A., Ting K, Da Lio A. L., Soo C. Fibromodulin Enhances Healing in Achilles Tendon Injury Models. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2017: 225(4): e40; DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2017.07.624
- Zheng Z, James A. W., Li C, Jiang W, Wang J. Z., Chang G. X., Lee K. S., Chen F, Berthiaume E. A., Chen Y, Pan H. C., Chen E. C., Li W, Zhao Z, Zhang X, Ting K, Soo C. Fibromodulin reduces scar formation in adult cutaneous wounds by eliciting a fetal-like phenotype. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. (2017) 2, e17050; doi:10.1038/sigtrans.2017.50.
- Zheng Z, Zhang X, Dang C. Beanes S, Chang G. X., Chen Y, Li C, Lee, K. S., Ting K, Soo C. Fibromodulin is essential for fetal-type scarless cutaneous wound healing. The American Journal of Pathology. Vol. 186, No. 11, November 2016: 2824-2832.
- Wang X, Yu H, Bi J, Chen Y, Bi L. Expression of MMP-2, 9 and 8 in Adults Odontoblast of Healthy and Carious Teeth. Tianjin Medical Journal. 1:12-14, 2013.
- Chen Y, Yu M, Hsu C, Zhang Y, Pan H. C., Wu B, Zhang X, Soo C, Ting K, Zheng Z. Surface physicochemical properties and osteoinductivity of silver nanoparticle/PLGA-coated metal materials. 2016 American Association for Dental Research (AADR) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 2016.
- Jiang W, Chen Y, Wang C, Lee K. S., Wang J. Z., Lee S, Ting K, Zhao Z, Soo C, Zheng Z. Fibromodulin Selectively Promotes Myofibroblast Apoptosis During Cutaneous Wound Healing. 2017 Plastic Surgery Research Council (PSRC) 62nd Annual Meeting. Durham, NC, May 2017.
- Qi H, Kim JK, Ha P, Chen X, Chen Y, Chen E, Baik L, Mohazeb Y, Zhang X, Soo C, Hu M, Ting K. Nell-1 modulates postnatal cartilage homeostasis and endochondral ossification. AADR/CADR Annual Meeting. Fla., US, March 2018
- Wang C, Zheng Z, Jiang W, Chen Y, Ha P, Kim J., K., Berthiaume E. A., Ting K, DaLio A. L., Soo C. Fibromodulin Enhances Healing in Achilles Tendon Injury Models. American College of Surgeons’ 2017 Clinical Congress, San Diego, CA, October 2017.
- Wang C, Zheng Z, Lipman K, Jiang W, Chen Y, Kim J., Ting K, DaLio A. L., Soo C. Fibromodulin Enhances Acute Achilles Tendon Injury Healing. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Birmingham, AL, May 2018.
- Lee K. S., Zhang X, Li C. Zara J. N., Murphy M, Wang J, Li W, Chang G. X., Chen E. C., DeLong M. R., Pan H, Chen Y, Zheng Z, Ting K, Soo C. Fibromodulin Significantly Reduces Scar in Adult Rodent and Porcine Wounds. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Annual Meeting, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 2016.
- NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Core Voucher Award: A novel wound-healing enhancing peptide for diabetic wounds. (Award No.: UL1TR001881; Co-investigator; 2016)
- Johnson & Johnson: Investigation of the relationship between human skin tensile strength with its collagen architecture. (Awarded: $101,203.00, Co-investigator; 2017)