Ivona Bago
Associate Professor
Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb
Ivona Bago was born in Zagreb, Croatia. She graduated at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb in 2005. In 2010, she finished specialization in General Dentistry at the Clinical Hospital Centre in Zagreb. Since 2010, she has been working at the Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb. In 2013, she was awarded by the Society of University Teachers and Scientists in Zagreb for the best study published in international journal in 2012. For the same study, she was awarded by the Annual Award of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. In 2013, she won the prize for the best scientific study and oral presentation at the European Congress of the World Federation of Laser in Dentistry, Bruxelles, Belgium.vIn 2013, she won her PhD in the field of laser use in endodontics at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb.vIn 2014, she obtainedtwo-year postgraduate master¢sdegree EMDOLA (European Master Degree in Oral Laser Application, 2012-2014) at the Sophia Antipolis University in Nice, France. She won the French Government scholarship for studying in France. In 2015, she became a specialist in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry at the Clinical Hosiptal Centre Zagreb. She is currently working as full-timeassociate professor at the Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb. She also practices endodontics and aesthetic dentistry in private practice in Zagreb.Since 2020., she is a scientific project manager financed by the Croatian Science Foundation «Clinical and experimental investigation of laser activated photoacoustic streaming and photoactivated disinfection in endodontic treatment“. She is a course leader at the postgraduate doctoral study in the field of laser use in endodontics at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb.
She is a secretary of the Croatian Endodontic Society and a country representative of the Society at the European Society of Endodontology. She is author and co-author of many scientific articles published in international journals. She has been an invited lecturerat many domestic and international congresses. She was an inivited speaker at the World congress of the World Federation of Lasers in Dentistry in 2014. in Paris. Shelecturesat annual congresses organized by the Croatian Endodontic Society and participates actively on training courses.
- Bago I, Batelja-Vuletić L, Tarle A, Sesar A, Anić I. Novel laser activated photoacoustic streaming for removing pulp remnants from round root canals after single file reciprocating instrumentation: Photoacoustic streaming for removing pulp. PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2021 Nov 16:102631. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2021.102631. Epub ahead of print.
- Bago I, Plotino G, Katić M, Ferenac A, Petričević GK, Gabrić D, Anić I. Effect of a novel laser-initiated photoacoustic activation of a solvent or sodium hypochlorite in the removal of filling remnants after retreatment of curved root canals. PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2021 Dec;36:102535. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2021.102535. Epub 2021 Sep 16.
- ŠimundićMunitić M, Šutej I, Ćaćić N, Tadin A, Balić M, Bago I, PoklepovićPeričić T. Knowledge and attitudes of Croatian Dentists Regarding Antibiotic Prescription in Endodontics: A Cross-sectional Questionnaire-based Study. Acta Stomatol Croat. 2021 Dec;55(4):346-358.
- Kabil E, Katić M, Anić I, Bago I. Micro-computed Evaluation of Canal Transportation and Centering Ability of 5 Rotary and Reciprocating Systems with Different Metallurgical Properties and Surface Treatments in Curved Root Canals. J Endod. 2021 Mar;47(3):477-484
- Antunović M, VukmanovićLj, Budimir A, Kabil E, Anić I, Bago I. Evaluation of sealing ability of four bioceramic root canal sealers and an epoxy resin-based sealer: An in vitro study. Saudi Endod J. 2021; 11(1):66-72.
- Planinić D, Dubravica I, Šarac Z, Poljak-Guberina R, Celebic A, Bago I, Cabov T, Peric B. Comparison of different surgical procedures on the stability of dental implants in posterior maxilla: A randomized clinical study. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Aug 21:S2468-7855(20)30179-8.
- Bago I, Plotino G, Katić M, Ročan M, Batinić M, Anić I. Evaluation of filling material remnants after basic preparation, apical enlargement and final irrigation in retreatment of severely curved root canals in extracted teeth. Int Endod J. 2020 Jul;53(7):962-973. Q1
- ŠimundićMunitić M, Budimir A, Jakovljević S, Anić I, Bago I. Short-Term Antibacterial Efficacy of Three Bioceramic Root Canal Sealers Against Enterococcus FaecalisBiofilms. Acta Stomatol Croat. 2020;54(1):3-9.
- Pavelić B, Švarc MZ, Šegović S, Bago I. Cold atmospheric plasma for bleaching endodontically treated tooth: a new clinical approach. Quintessence Int. 2020;51(5):364-371.
- ŠimundićMunitić M, PoklepovićPeričić T, Utrobičić A, Bago I, Puljak L. Antimicrobial efficacy of commercially available endodontic bioceramic root canal sealers: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2019 Oct 17;14(10):e0223575.
- Matulić N, Bago I, Sušić M, Gjorgievska E, KotaracKnežević A, Gabrić D. Comparison of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in the Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia Lesions Refractory to the Local Retinoid Therapy. PhotobiomodulPhotomed Laser Surg. 2019 Jun;37(6):362-368.
- Bago I, Suk M, Katić M, Gabrić D, Anić I. Comparisons of the effectiveness of various rotary and reciprocating systems with different surface treatments to remove gutta-percha and an epoxy resin-based sealer from straight root canal. Int Endod J. 2019;1:105-13. Q1
- ŠimundićMunitić M, Bago I, Glockner K, Kqiku L, Gabrić D, Anić I. Effect of different laser treatments on the bond strength of intracanal fiber posts cemented with a self-adhesive resin cement. J Prosthodont. 2019;1:e290-e296. Q2
- Batinić M, Ročan M, Budimir A, Anić I, Bago I. Comparison of final disinfection protocols using antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and different irrigants after single-file reciprocating instrumentation against intracanal bacterial biofilm – an in vitro study. PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher 2018;24:153-7. Q2
- Azizi B, Budimir A, Bago I, Mehmeti B, Jakovljević S, Kelmendi J, Stanko AP, Gabrić D. Antimicrobial efficacy of photodynamic therapy and light-activated disinfection on contaminated zirconia implants: An in vitro study. PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2018 Mar;21:328-333.
- Azizi B, Budimir A, Mehmeti B, Jakovljević S, Bago I, Gjorgievska E, Gabrić D. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy and Light-Activated Disinfection Against Bacterial Species on Titanium Dental Implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2018 Jul/Aug;33(4):831-837.
- Suk M, Bago I, Katić M, Šnjarić D, Munitić MŠ, Anić I. The efficacy of photon initiated photoacoustic streaming in the removal of calcium silicate-based filling remnants from the root canal after rotary retreatment. Lasers Med Sci 2017;32:2055-62. Q1
- Bago Jurič I, Plečko V, Anić I, Pleško S, Jakovljević S, Rocca JP, Medioni E. Antimicrobial efficacy of photodynamic therapy, Nd:YAG laser and QMiX solution against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm. PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2016;13:238-53. Q2
- TerlevićDabić D, Jurišić S, Vučićević Boras V, Gabrić D, Bago I, Vrdoljak DV. The Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Patients with Drug-Induced Hyposalivation: A Pilot Study. Photomed Laser Surg. 2016 Sep;34(9):389-93.
- Balić M, Lucić R, Mehadžić K, Bago I, Anić I, Jakovljević S, Plečko V. The efficacy of photoninitiated photoacoustic streaming and sonic-activated irrigation combined with QMiX od sodium hypochlorite against intracanal bacterial biofilm. Lasers Med Sci. 2016;2:325-42. Q1
- Toljan I, Bago Jurič I, Anić I. Eradication of Intracanal Enterococcus Faecalis Biofilm by Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and RinsEndo System. Acta Stomatol Croat. 2016;50(1):14-22.
- Granić M, Katanec D, Vučićević Boras V, Sušić M, Bago Jurič I, Gabrić D.
- Implant stability comparison of immediate and delayed maxillary implant placement by use of resonance frequency analysis – a clinical study. Acta clinicaCroatica. 2015;54(1):3-9.
- Bago Jurič I, Plečko V, Anić I. Antimicrobial efficacy of Er, Cr:YSGG laser-activated irrigation compared to passive ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo against intracanal Enterococcus faecalis population. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2014;32:600-5.
- Bago Jurič I, Plečko V, GabrićPandurić D, Anić I. The antimicrobial effectiveness of photodynamic therapy used as an adjunct to conventional endodontic re-treatment: a clinical study. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy. 2014;11(4):549-55.
- Bago Jurič I, Anić I. Primjenalasera u dezinfekcijiičišćenjukorijenskihkanalazuba: pregledni rad. Acta StomatologicaCroatica. 2014; 48: 6-15.
- GabrićPandurić D, Bago Jurič I, Musić S, Molčanov K, Sušić M, Anić I.
- Morphological and ultrastructural comparative analysis of bone tissue after the Er:YAG laser and a surgical drill osteotomy. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2014;32:401-8.
- Bago I, Plečko V, GabrićPandurić D, Schauperl Z, Baraba A, Anić I. Antimicrobial efficacy of a high-power diode laser, photo activated disinfection, conventional and sonic activated irrigation during endodontic therapy. Int Endod J 2013;46(4):339-47.
- Dukić W, Bago I, Roguljić M, Aurer A. Clinical effectiveness of diode laser therapy as adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized clinical study. J Periodontol 2013;84(8):1111-7.
- Batinjan G, FilipovićZore I, Rupić I, Bago Jurič I, Zore Z, GabrićPandurić D. Assessing health-related quality of life with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) and low level laser therapy (LLLT) after third molar removal. Journal of Lasers in Medicine and Science 2013;4(3):120-6.
- GabrićPandurić D, Bago I, Katanec D, Žabkar J, Miletić I, Anić I. Comparison of the Er:YAG laser and a surgical drill used for osteotomy in oral surgery: an experimental study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012;70(11); 2515-21.
- Bago I, Bago J, Plečko V, Aurer A, Majstorović K, Budimir A. The effectiveness of systemic eradication therapy against oral Helicobacter pylori. J Oral Pathol Med 2011;40;428-32.
- Kuna T, Bago I, FilipovićZore I. Application of Modern Tomographic Methods in the Diagnosis of Pathological Changes of the Jaw. Coll Antropol 2011;35 915-8.
- Bebek B, Bago I, Škaljac G, Plečko V, Miletić I, Anić I. Antimicrobial Effect of 0.2% Chlorhexidine in Infected Root Canals. Coll Antropol 2009;4:1159-63.
- Dukić W, Filipović-Zore I, Bago I. Condensing osteitis - a clinical case. Acta StomatologicaCroatica 2006;1:182-8.
- Bago I, Bošnjak A. Relationship of HbA1c Level and Smoking to Periodontal Status in Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Patients. Acta StomatologicaCroatica 2006;3:248-55.